Terms of Use...

The whole purpose of creating this website has been to share the results of my 40-plus years of genealogical research with other family historians studying some of these same families. I'm particularly eager to ensure that my work remains available for future generations when I am no longer able to personally share my data with others.

That being said, it is somewhat disconcerting to hear the accounts of other researchers, justifiably frustrated after finding the fruits of their painstaking labors unceremoniously lifted intact (errors and all) and presented as the original work of another without any acknowledgement of the source upon which that research was derived. Therefore, I strongly appeal to the reader's personal integrity and sense of decency to observe the following Terms of Use:

  • The material on this website is Copyright © 2005-2021 Marc D. Erlitz. All rights reserved.

  • Information derived from this website may not be used for commercial purposes.

  • Please clearly identify this website as the source of the information you found here. It is considered bad form to cite a source listed here if you have not actually reviewed it directly.1 A sample citation might read something like this:
  • Marc D. Erlitz, "Family History Research of Marc Erlitz: A Genealogical study of the Erlitz-Goldman-Pliskin-Slavin-DiCristofalo-Vitale-Arcoleo-Russo-Gargiulo-Barr-Podell-Eastman-Blasko & Related Families" (https://erlitz.org/ : accessed [insert access date]); citing [xyz document].2
  • Many of the site's photographs and document images are provided for reference purposes only. Document images in particular are not to be reproduced in any way, since so doing could infringe upon the copyrights of others.

  • This password-protected research version of the website contains information on living people. Please respect their privacy by not publishing any information on these individuals. I plan on posting a public version of this website in the near future that will not include source exhibits or the names of living people.

  • Please do not share the password you have been assigned with anyone else. I will be happy to provide access to the site to other bona fide researchers and family members who contact me directly.

  • Do feel free, by all means, to create links to this website, but please do not duplicate or distribute material from this site in any format without written permission of the author.


  1. For a more detailed discussion of some of the issues raised here, see Elizabeth Shown Mills, "QuickLesson 15: Plagiarism Five "Copywrongs" of Historical Writing," Evidence Explained: Historical Analysis, Citation & Source Usage (https://www.evidenceexplained.com... : accessed 28 Oct 2015).
  2. For further information on the subject of source citation, please see: Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2007, 2009).